
Add comments to any of your Stacks pages.

Comments allows you to place a comments thread on any stacks page! Maybe you want to have comments on your product pages, about me pages, etc. You can put it anywhere! There are 2 stacks in this set that support both Disqus and Facebook commenting systems.

Key Features


Disqus Comment Stack

You can place a Disqus stack on any page that you want. You only need your Disqus short name from your account. All of the styling for the comments thread is handled inside your Disqus account online.

If you would like to integrate with your blog. Check out our Total CMS integration.

Facebook Comment Stack

You can place a Facebook comment stack on any page that you want. Its a great way to have users start interacting with you both on your website and and Facebook. It could be a wonderful way of users sharing posts with their own friends while commenting on your website at the same time.

If you would like to integrate with your blog. Check out our Total CMS integration.


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