MovingBox is the most versatile slider that you will ever see. Its based on the Slick by Ken Wheeler. You can do everything from a simple slider to carousels. You can combine multiple MovingBox stacks to create awesome slider with thumbnail navigations. On top of that, MovingBox sports two custom breakpoints that allow you to change the appearance of MovingBox based on browser size.

This demos on this site are just a small sample of what we can do with MovingBox. This is such as versatile slider, I am sure that we have not yet seen everything that has been imagined with it yet. While MovingBox supports autoplay, its been turned off on most of these demos so that the examples are easier to focus on.

Simple Slider

Horizontal Slide


Vertical Slide

Infinite Scroll


Move Slide Sets

Move Single Slide

Vertical Carousel

Variable Width & Height

Variable Height

Variable Width

Center Mode

Spaced Out


Slider Syncing

Stacked Layout

Vertical Layout