Impact Flexible Layout

Proportional Banners

Hero headers are awesome. But sometimes you don’t want to have a full screen site banner. Impact allows you to create proportional banners, like the one above. You can then set a cover image, video or slideshow. You have the ability to choose from many pre-defined aspect ratios or define your own. While these look great at the very top of your pages, they can be used anywhere on that page.

Fits into your Layout

Impact will fit wherever you want to put it. It definitely makes an impact (pun intended) for site headers. However, here is an example where I have inserted a nice slideshow inside of a column. This contains 3 different videos that fade into each other.

Impact bases its sizing off the aspect ratio that you define in the stack settings. It will then automatically scale and position the images and video inside of that area so that it looks good.